28 July 2011


Ugh, moving. Such an exhausting chore, but two upsides: 1. It's a great workout carrying loads of furniture up & down stairs and 2. I'm moving in with 2 friends which will save me hundreds of dollars a month on rent (yes, my son is still with me, he is moving in too.)

School starts in a few weeks, for both my son and I. I think we are equally nervous, he is starting Kindergarten and I'm returning to College for my Masters in Chemistry. Pretty big stuff happening in August for this littly family.

& I'm happy to hear all of the supportive comments from you about the monogamish relationship I'm in. (thanks Savage Love for that word & thanks for telling me about the blog drink me.) It is good to hear that I'm not completely crazy to want this set up. I'm happy and will certaily ask for change (or leave) the relationship if I'm ever unhappy with it. A huge change I've made in my life is learning to ask for exactly what I want or need from a relationship, it helps that teacher is respectful and always makes an effort to follow through with my requests, even if they are as little as holding my hand or making more time for me. I'm hoping I never settle for a man who does less.


nicky anabelle said...

congrats on your moving

and i hope you and your son are going to have a great day at school a few weeks from now :)

keep up the good work, stay strong!!

~Nessa~ said...

Huuuge life changes :) Go you! You rock :D

Kate said...

Congrats on everything! School sounds so exciting, as does saving money! Good luck with Teacher-- above all else, find YOUR happy. :)

Lee said...

I just stumbled apon your blog today. We have a lot in common. We are just about the same size too! I'm also a newly single mom and share your same struggles with food. I hope you keep blogging:)

Per Essere Slanciata said...

I hate moving but the upsides of your move are definitely worth it. Good job on your weight loss!